어떤 행사나 모임에 꼭 빠지지 않는 것이 바로 초대장인데, 그 초대장이 이벤트의 분위기나 성향을 내포하고 있는 것이다보니 디자인이 굉장히 중요합니다. 얼마나 센스있는, 또 아름다운 초대장인가에 따라서 예정되어있지 않은 행사에 참석을 하기도 하니 말이죠. 혹시라도 행사를 주최하시는 분들께서 초대장을 제작하신다면 참고하 실 수 있게 아름다운 초대장 30장을 모아보았습니다. 한 번 참고하시고 멋진 디자인의 초대장 제작하시기 바랍니다~ :-)
Typography Inspired Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Sarah Parrott)
Twootenanny Invitation. (Image Source: texburgher)
Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: SimonQ)
Kyle & Katie. (Image Source: Nick Brue)
13th street Universal Invitation card. (Image Source: fabrice vitet)
Jason & Jennifer wedding invitation. (Image Source: Phae)
Perky + Richter. (Image Source: Perky Bros LLC)
HintonMarsh Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Carolyn_Sewell)
Carnival Pinwheel Poster Sample Invitation. (Image Source: mandolin invitations)
Creative Type wedding invitation. (Image Source: 2bsquared designs)
The Collection – Debra. (Image Source: Sarah Parrott)
Wedding Invite Letterpress. (Image Source: Chloe Horowitz)
Hatch Shower Bridal Shower Invitation. (Image Source: blush printables)
Robot Themed Carnival Poster Sample Invitation. (Image Source: mandolin invitations)
Rhode Island Beach Wedding. (Image Source: Sarah Parrott)
Invitación de boda para Fer y Nora. (Image Source: La caja de tipos)
Jennie & Darwin Wedding. (Image Source: Lauren Dickens)
Bittersweet – Valentine’s Day Party Invitation. (Image Source: blush printables)
The Big Day. (Image Source: Todd Thyberg)
Love Compose Letterpress Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Elegante Press)
Save the Date. (Image Source: Brian Hurst)
Letterpress & laser cut invitation. (Image Source: mattcrest)
Classic Aubergine. (Image Source: Parrott Design Studio)
Andrew and Alysha. (Image Source: Seth Nickerson)
Letterpress Matchbook Invitations for a Summer Wedding. (Image Source: Martha Stewart Weddings (via Beast Pieces))
Unique Green and Black Letterpress Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Elegante Press)
Mid-Century Style Blue and Gray Save the Dates. (Image Source: Us & Them)
Modern Letterpress Wedding Invite. (Image Source: FPO / The Hungry Workshop)
Rosebrook Meyer Wedding Invitations. (Image Source: Rosebrook Meyer)
John and Nancy’s Old-Fashioned Hitchin’ Wedding Invites. (Image Source: PTARMAK)
Creative Invitation Cards
Typography Inspired Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Sarah Parrott)
Twootenanny Invitation. (Image Source: texburgher)
Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: SimonQ)
Kyle & Katie. (Image Source: Nick Brue)
13th street Universal Invitation card. (Image Source: fabrice vitet)
Jason & Jennifer wedding invitation. (Image Source: Phae)
Perky + Richter. (Image Source: Perky Bros LLC)
HintonMarsh Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Carolyn_Sewell)
Carnival Pinwheel Poster Sample Invitation. (Image Source: mandolin invitations)
Creative Type wedding invitation. (Image Source: 2bsquared designs)
The Collection – Debra. (Image Source: Sarah Parrott)
Wedding Invite Letterpress. (Image Source: Chloe Horowitz)
Hatch Shower Bridal Shower Invitation. (Image Source: blush printables)
Robot Themed Carnival Poster Sample Invitation. (Image Source: mandolin invitations)
Rhode Island Beach Wedding. (Image Source: Sarah Parrott)
Invitación de boda para Fer y Nora. (Image Source: La caja de tipos)
Jennie & Darwin Wedding. (Image Source: Lauren Dickens)
Bittersweet – Valentine’s Day Party Invitation. (Image Source: blush printables)
The Big Day. (Image Source: Todd Thyberg)
Love Compose Letterpress Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Elegante Press)
Save the Date. (Image Source: Brian Hurst)
Letterpress & laser cut invitation. (Image Source: mattcrest)
Classic Aubergine. (Image Source: Parrott Design Studio)
Andrew and Alysha. (Image Source: Seth Nickerson)
Letterpress Matchbook Invitations for a Summer Wedding. (Image Source: Martha Stewart Weddings (via Beast Pieces))
Unique Green and Black Letterpress Wedding Invitation. (Image Source: Elegante Press)
Mid-Century Style Blue and Gray Save the Dates. (Image Source: Us & Them)
Modern Letterpress Wedding Invite. (Image Source: FPO / The Hungry Workshop)
Rosebrook Meyer Wedding Invitations. (Image Source: Rosebrook Meyer)
John and Nancy’s Old-Fashioned Hitchin’ Wedding Invites. (Image Source: PTARMAK)